Sunday, January 18, 2015

Still eating ...

You know how when you have let something go for so long you are too embarrassed to fix it because fixing it might actually call more attention to the original lapse? That is kind of what happened here. No, that is exactly what happened here. I knew for a long time that this blog was sadly out of date but every time I thought of doing something about it I thought "but how stupid does it look to post 6 months/7 months/3 years later?" Assuming of course someone ever did come here, which is actually assuming quite a lot. 

But for some reason I am starting again! Unfortunately, I am not in Asia anymore. But luckily we live in an era where you don't have to travel to eat something new. Therefore, I am not giving up my "Eats Asia" title. Mostly because I like it but also because I think it still works. 

Today I need to discuss a serious problem in the Asian bread scene. Lately there has been a shocking lack of rose cheese at 85°! 

It tastes nothing like rose. It is not, as they claim on their website, "Japanese." But it is by far the best bread they have. Mochi mochi bread, just enough cranberries for texture, and that cream cheese filling. Have you ever tried taking it home and baking it a bit? Even better! The outside gets a little crunchy but the inside is still soft. SO WHY DON'T THEY SELL IT ANYMORE?? For some reason I can always find it in Westminster, but nowhere else. What is wrong with the rest of 85°? (And what is right with Westminster?) 

There are a few back ups, but nothing quite as good:
Brioche; Only good when it is fresh baked. Otherwise - meh.
Snowflake: When you get a piece with white chocolate in the middle you feel pretty lucky.When you get a piece without ... well, you feel robbed. 
Sea Salt Iced Coffee: This is, of course, liquid crack. Not really a substitute but a requirement no matter what you buy. 

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